Momento magico
La Luna è uno dei miei elementi preferiti nei paesaggi notturni. Qualche volta preferisco effettuare una doppia esposizione per recuperare dettaglio sulla superficie del satellite, altre volte invece no. Dipende dall'effetto che voglio ottenere. In questa foto ho scelto di non avere dettaglio sul disco e di ottenere invece un effetto a raggiera come se fosse il Sole. Quella notte c'era molto vento e delle nuvole si stavano muovendo rapidamente. Ho atteso che la Luna si trovasse in mezzo alle nuvole in movimento. Il risultato è stata la cattura di un momento magico. Per questo scatto ho utilizzato un filtro digradante neutro da uno stop (Cokin P120) per evitare di bruciare le alte luci del riflesso argenteo.
The Moon is one of my favourite elements in night landscapes. I sometimes prefer to do a double exposure in order to recovery detail on the surface of the satellite, sometimes not instead. It depends on the effect which I want to obtain. In this photo I've chosen not to have detail on the disc and to obtain a star effect like if it were the Sun. That night there was much wind and clouds were moving quickly. I've waited until the Moon was amid the moving clouds. The result has been the capture of a charming moment. For this shot I've used a 1-stop ND grad filter (Cokin P120) in order not to burn the highlights of the silver glare.
The Moon is one of my favourite elements in night landscapes. I sometimes prefer to do a double exposure in order to recovery detail on the surface of the satellite, sometimes not instead. It depends on the effect which I want to obtain. In this photo I've chosen not to have detail on the disc and to obtain a star effect like if it were the Sun. That night there was much wind and clouds were moving quickly. I've waited until the Moon was amid the moving clouds. The result has been the capture of a charming moment. For this shot I've used a 1-stop ND grad filter (Cokin P120) in order not to burn the highlights of the silver glare.
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Luogo: lungomare di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Marche, Italia
Place: seafront of San Benedetto del tronto, Marche, Italy
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